Potato grower joins ScoringAg traceback system

07/20/2011 01:36:00 PM
Doug Ohlmeier

ScoringAg Inc. has added a Pennsylvania-based potato grower-shipper to the roster of clients using its traceback recordkeeping food safety system.

Sill Farms, Corry, Pa., has joined the Bradenton, Fla.-based ScoringAg. The grower-shipper of red and white potatoes, which also has operations in Punta Gorda, Fla., aligns its recordkeeping database with ScoringAg’s real-time labeling system to handle data requirements such as water and soil tests, production practices information and food safety procedures, according to a news release.

Each block’s GPS information ties directly to the labeled product’s harvest date and time, lot numbers, weights and product sizes as it leaves the packing shed and cooler. The ScoringAg technology provides Sill Farms compliance with Food and Drug Administration Food Safety Modernization Act rules and gives it full traceability required for shipping into Canada, according to the release.

Once shippers enter production and packing information into ScoringAg’s database, the information can’t be changed and thus meets federal documentation and source verification movement requirements, Brody Sill, one of Sill’s owners, said in the release. As the FDA requires two production years of data storage, the ScoringAg system is easy to use, Sill said in the release.

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